NecroPost time to 1 month

Discussion in 'Declined Suggestions' started by Rev, Sep 14, 2017.

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  1. Rev

    Rev Dedicated Trader
    BANNED DIAMOND Thread Starter

    Minecraft Accounts: maklitores Masters
    Kind of minor suggestion but newbies have been bumping month old threads recently and tbh after a month a thread is dead. I suggest making it a month unless its the OP posting. Sorry if this sounds dumb just kinda annoys me
    Banned Reason: Admitting to Scamming #6838 (GlitchAlts) Ban Ends: Never
    • Suggestion Agree Suggestion Agree x 3
  2. Jayson

    Jayson Emerald

    Minecraft Accounts: Parse JaysonF
    Not all threads without a reply after a month could be considered "dead", a cheap Minecraft account being listed would probably be sold. A $8000 one character username might stay up for months. An alt shop might still be up but the thread is going slow.

    Often times, replies hike during certain periods in time which would be separateable by an average of three months-for a $8000 one character username, it would probably be "wow that's expensive" and be deleted for postfarming, however for now as our community continues to expand, we'll be setting the limit at 3 months until it's considered necoposting. Thank you for your suggestion nonetheless.