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GameMode Change 3.5

You can change your gamemode with this.

  1. RyanMoodGAMES_YT
    Minecraft Versions Supported:
    1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x, 1.14.x, 1.15.x
    ----------GAMEMODE CHANGE---------
    Version: 3.5
    Game Version: 1.15.2
    This plugin is what you use to change your game mode for more information read the following.


    () = Optional

    /creative (username) - Sets game mode to creative.
    Allies: /gmc and /c
    /survival (username) - Sets game mode to survival.
    Allies: /gms and /s
    /spectator (username) - Sets game mode to spectator.
    Allies: /gmsp and /sp
    /adventure (username) - Sets game mode to adventure
    Allies: /gma and /a


    /creative : gmchange.gmc
    /survival : gmchange.gms
    /adventure : gmchange.gma
    /spectator : gmchange.gmsp


    We got reviewed by BGHDDevelopment!

    Default config - Change messages...
    # Gamemode Change Config V2.1

    # Game mode Change message - The message that shows you/user the game mode they turned too.
    # You can use Color codes.
    # Use %gamemode% to get the gamemode they have changed too.
    gmchange_msg: '&a&l(!) &aYour game mode has been changed to &b%gamemode%&a.'

    # No permission Message, the message that comes up when you/users don't have permission to run the command.
    # You can use Color codes.
    # Use %perm% to get the permission in the spot (optional)
    noperm_msg: '&c&l(!) &cYou do not have permission to do this. You need &9%perm%'

    # Gamemode messages. If you want the word Creative to be in Caps or not
    # Color codes are supported! If you use color codes in gmchange_msg they will be ignored for the the gamemode and after the gamemode.
    creative: 'CREATIVE'
    survival: 'SURVIVAL'
    adventure: 'ADVENTURE'
    spectator: 'SPECTATOR'

    # Other Player Message, the message that comes up when you change other player's gamemode.
    # You can use color Codes.
    # Use %gamemode% to get the player's gamemode that has been changed.
    # Use %player% to say the player's name that the gamemode that has been changed is.
    otherplayer: '&a&l(!) &aYou have changed &9%player% &ato the gamemode &b%gamemode%'

    # Creative command permission
    creativeperm: 'gmchange.creative'

    # Survival command permission
    survivalperm: 'gmchange.survival'

    # Adventure command permission
    adventureperm: 'gmchange.adventure'

    # Spectator command permission
    spectatorperm: 'gmchange.spectator'

    # ---- END of CONFIG ----

    Coming Soon:

    Give me a suggestions of what to add in my discord! https://discord.gg/xhVFW3t


    Join my Support discord -> https://discord.gg/xhVFW3t

    Want to support me? It's optional and you properly don't want to because I'm a terrible at developing but you still can!

    PM me for information.