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FuryUHC - Arena - Flat 50x50 - Assign Fights - 30+ Scenarios - Tweet UHC Match and more 1.4.3

UHC Plugin with features from big plugins but cheaper

  1. Hologram, Leaderboard, GUI Redesign

    Some bigger and some smaller changes:

    * Added Game Config Hologram Command (/hologram)
    * Added Starter Inventory Command (/starterinv) & Starter Inventory Item to GameEditor GUI
    * Added SnowSheep Scenario - There is 40% change for sheep to drop 1 snowball
    * Added Destroyer Scenario - Players starts with Eff. 100 and Unbreaking 100 Diamond Pickaxe
    * Added Ninja Scenario - Player starts with Speed I Effect that lasts forever
    * Added...
  2. Fixef File

    Fixed File