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AAC & AACAdditionPro Advanced Configuration + AUTOBAN 1.0

An Configuration which will not let hackers be free

  1. CloudCrack
    Hello Guys today i want to sell my AAC & AACAdditionPro config i used on my servers to detect our hackers

    KillAura (Notify/Autoban)
    KillAura [NPC] (Notify/Autoban)
    Speed (Notify/Autoban)
    Fastbreak (Notify/Autoban)
    FastPlace (Notify/Autoban)
    Criticals (Notify)
    FastBow (Notify)
    AutoClicker (Notify)
    Fly (Notify/Autoban)
    Regen (Notify/Autoban)
    NoFall (Notify/Autoban)
    Jesus (Notify/Autoban)
    Phase (Notify/Autoban)
    FastUse (Notify)
    Scaffold (Notify/Autoban)

    Kawaii v2.4
    Huzuni Premium
    Flux b4

    This Configuration Was tested on Localhost server.

    If you have Any Problem Please PM me on MC-Trades