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Unmaintained Calculator 1.0

An Advanced Calculator For Your Server

  1. FireWolf
    Minecraft Versions Supported:
    1.8, 1.9, 1.10
    As the name suggests, it's just a calculator.


    /calc add [#] [#] - Addition
    /calc subtract [#] [#] - Subtraction
    /calc multiply [#] [#] - Multiplication
    /calc divide [#] [#] - Division
    /calc square [#] - Square a Number
    /calc cube [#] - Cube a Number
    /calc sqrt [#] - Find The Square Root of a Number
    /calc cbrt [#] - Find the Cube Root of a Number
    /calc distance [x1] [z1] [x2] [z2] - Find the Distance Between Two Points
    /calc midpoint [x1] [z1] [x2] [z2] - Find the Midpoint Between Two Points

    calculator.use - Permissions for /calc

    Found a bug or have a feature suggestion? Let me know in the discussion section.
    Zoxu likes this.