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Beta HCF Kit Config 1.0

HCF Kit Config to make players donate and to make your server great again!

  1. Jacob
    HCF CrazyEnchantments Config!
    Great to make money from your server with special features, You may add Custom Enchantments to enhance the player donations!

    Kit GUI: https://prnt.sc/h0qjh5
    Tinkerer GUI: https://prnt.sc/h0qjjv

    Preview of Diamond Class: http://prntscr.com/h0qm1n
    Preview of Bard Class: http://prntscr.com/h0qm4u
    Preview of Archer Class: http://prntscr.com/h0qm60
    Preview of Miner Class: http://prntscr.com/h0qmdy
    Preview of OP Kit: http://prntscr.com/h0qmbx

    Diamond Class: https://prnt.sc/h0qliq
    Bard Class: https://prnt.sc/h0qll2
    Archer Class: https://prnt.sc/h0qlnt
    Miner Class: http://prntscr.com/h0qlso
    OP Kit: https://prnt.sc/h0qlql

    6 Kits | This configuration includes the HCF kits: Diamond, Bard, Archer, OP
    & Miner
    /kit | A GUI Pops up showing different types of glass, hover over the glass for some text, which says what kit this is.
    Kit Preview | Your players can right click the kit to preview the class / kit before they purchase it and see if its what they'd like!​


    1. allkits.png