Suggestion Feedback Forum

Discussion in 'Declined Suggestions' started by Denial, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. Denial

    Denial Dedicated Trader
    Thread Starter

    Feedback Forum

    Effective feedback, both positive and negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable information that will be used to make important decisions in regard to their product. In simpler words, Effective feedback has benefits for the giver, and for the receiver.

    I believe a feedback forum would prove to be very effective and popular due to the fact that many people are seeking feedback for their service (especially graphics)
  2. Callum

    Callum Retired MCTrades Owner
    God Himself

    I interpret this in two ways, both the feedback of the product specifically or feedback of the seller's legitimacy.

    We do currently already have a reputation system for people to give personal feedback based on the product and seller after a deal occurs and people also have the choice to reply to the seller's thread with feedback. If you were referring to adding a new forum/section based on people providing feedback to certain products/sellers it would be pretty worthless due to how feedback is already given.

    Please correct me if I interpreted this incorrectly.
  3. Denial

    Denial Dedicated Trader
    Thread Starter

    I meant a feedback system where users could comment about the product specifically.

    It seems to me as if the reputation is reserved for deals and already established services. The feedback system allows for users who may not have much experience in a certain sector to ask the community for feedback in order to start their own freelance service/company.
  4. Callum

    Callum Retired MCTrades Owner
    God Himself

    All of the product specific feedback tends to be left on the users thread, anywhere else and users would have to spend extra time trying to find feedback in sed new forum if it was made, which may not even be around.

    I do appreciate the suggestion however I am going to deny it.