Offering Free strong obfuscation

Discussion in 'Other' started by BataBo, Aug 14, 2019.

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  1. BataBo

    BataBo Master Trader
    DIAMOND Thread Starter

    BataBo's obfuscation


    -String protection
    (simple hex dump wont reveal any strings)

    -Condition protection
    (Will make conditions unnecessaly long and more complex)

    -MSIL → Native
    (No games,no tricks it will convert IL code to native)

    (No http debugging and harder program debugging)

    (Now its pretty hard to patch code in programs such as ida)


    -Advanced VM
    (Cause what could be better than virtual code)

    Protections to come:

    -Control Flow

    Contact and price:

    As the title says price is free (for now) just join this server and open a ticket:

    This obfusaction is very strong and stumped some of the best reverse engeneers over on another forum I will show you proof in private