Offering TigersChecker v1.5 I Best Minecraft Checker NFA, SFA, MFA, UNFA...

Discussion in 'Codes and Licenses' started by patko250705, Feb 13, 2020.

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  1. patko250705

    patko250705 Active Trader
    Thread Starter

    TigersChecker release v1.5 [10$ only !! To buy DM] [DM patko250705#8211 on discord or here]

    View attachment 11733
    View attachment 11734
    View attachment 11735
    View attachment 11736

    What's new !?

    [+] - Add Elapsed Time Counter
    [+] - Fixed Config Settings
    [+] - Fixed License Key System Errors

    What this checker can do?

    - Proxies type: HTTP/S, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, LUMINATI
    [+] - Have License Key System
    [+] - AutoUpdate
    [+] - Checks:
    Non Full Access [NFA]
    Semi Full Access [SFA]
    Mail Full Access [MFA]
    Unmigrated Non Full Access [UNFA]
    Optifine Cape
    Minecon Cape
    LabyMod Cape
    LiquidBounce Cape
    Hypixel Rank & Level
    Mineplex Rank & Level
    [+] - config.ini looks:
    # _____ _ ____ _ _
    #|_ _|(_) __ _ ___ _ __ ___ / ___|| |__ ___ ___ | | __ ___ _ __
    # | | | | / _` | / _ \| '__|/ __|| | | '_ \ / _ \ / __|| |/ / / _ \| '__|
    # | | | || (_| || __/| | \__ \| |___ | | | || __/| (__ | < | __/| |
    # |_| |_| \__, | \___||_| |___/ \____||_| |_| \___| \___||_|\_\ \___||_|
    # |___/
    license = your_license_key
    threads = 200
    retries = 3
    timeout = 10000
    debugging = false
    username_output = true
    save_bad = false
    print_bad = true

    proxy = true
    proxy_type = https

    e-mail_access = true
    unmigrateds = true

    optifine_cape = true
    minecon_cape = true
    labymod_cape = true
    liquidbounce_cape = true

    hypixel = true
    mineplex = true
    save_ranked_types = true

    hypixel = true
    mineplex = true
    hypixel_level = 25
    mineplex_level = 25

    --------> 10$ only !! <-------
    Hurry up before the price rises

    Payment Method: PayPal
    Owner: patko250705#8211 [DM To buy]
    Developer: YouSefMG#8715

    2020 ©️ TigersSquad