Offering ✧ [25% Sale!] CANNONING SERVER / PLOTSQUARED SETUP [Sale ends 5/31/20]✧

Discussion in 'Setups' started by PvpMaster100, May 25, 2020.

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  1. PvpMaster100

    PvpMaster100 Active Trader
    Thread Starter

    #1 PvpMaster100, May 25, 2020
    Last edited: May 29, 2020

    I've searched and searched around the community and there haven't been any good PlotSquared setups that include a functional plotting system for cannoning servers.

    I will be trying to have updates released every few days that will benefit customers who use the setup. If you have a specific feature you'd like to see, just let me know and my team will see if it'll be added to the planned updates list.



    - Optional Choice of 64x64 Chunk or 20x20 Chunk Plots
    - Fully Functional PlotSquared [16x16 Grid Layout]
    - Scoreboard
    - Fully Customized Paper/Flux/Spigot/Bukkit YMLs
    - Multiple Cannon Jar Configurations
    - Custom /fire Command
    [Known Bug: Redstone behind the block the button is placed does not activate! All other redstone next to the button and on top is activated.]
    - Permissions for Default Rank
    - Schematic Shop (Opens up a GUI of server schematics)
    - TnT-Fill
    - Water/Lava Sponge
    - Clearlag/Clearlag Timer
    - Custom Anti-Item Drop [Dropped items will automatically despawn!]
    - Protected Cannoning Blocks [Diamond, Emerald, Gold]
    - Custom Sand/Entity Remover [Right-Clicking with a Carrot on a Stick will remove ALL entities from the clicked block to Y 255.]
    - Custom Sand Remover [Remove all sand from Y 0-255!]
    - Custom Magic Sand [Auto Places Sand for Auto Cannons!]




    Discord Tag: Pvp#5286
    Discord Server:

    PRICE: 7$ USD
    With sale: 5.25$


    - No Refunds
    - You will pay first
    - You will receive ALL future updates
    - No sharing or leaking the setup

    If you have a custom cannoning jar configuration you'd like me to configure, I will gladly add it to the setup.