Shop [NEW] Frozen Marketplace & Services

Discussion in 'Minecraft Services' started by Lckyy, Jan 10, 2021.

Welcome to MCTrades, the modern Minecraft marketplace. Why not stay a while to chat, trade, and earn by registering?
  1. Lckyy

    Lckyy Dedicated Trader
    Thread Starter

    Frozen Marketplace & Services
    what is this?
    a discord server where you can buy or sell accounts and other crazy shit
    !free trial for 3 days!

    every shop has his own prices

    what are the payment methods?
    it depends on the seller, it can be paypal, bitcoin or paysafecard​

    - middleman -
    under 5$ / 1.00$
    over 5$ / 1.50$

    and more on this discord server: