Ranked Account - MVP+ | Level 285 | #27 Ranked Skywars | 15 Stars SW | 3 Star UHC | 10kd UHC Duels

Discussion in 'Ranked Accounts' started by Raynowing, Jul 6, 2021.

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  1. Raynowing

    Raynowing Trader
    Thread Starter

    Minecraft Accounts: Raynsnowing optifinecheat
    Ranks: MVP+ | Level 285 | #27 Ranked Skywars | 15 Stars SW | 3 Star UHC | 10kd UHC Duels

    Username: REDACTED


    Transaction ID: No

    Previous Owners: 0

    Additional Information:

    This account has black plus at Hypixel network level 285, has #27 ranked skywars banner and diamond division. It is currently 15 stars in skywars and has an overall of 17,218 kills and has really impressive stats. Also 3 star UHC with all crafts unlocked. The account also has 4 lunar cosmetics and I will also buy ++ upon the purchase of the account.

    BIN: $180
    You can also dm me on discord and we can talk about prices.
    Discord: Raynowing#2016