Offering GoodestSumoEvent - Best sumo event plugin you have ever seen - zonix style!

Discussion in 'Plugins' started by HongKongPinger, Nov 22, 2018.

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  1. HongKongPinger

    HongKongPinger Active Trader
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    #1 HongKongPinger, Nov 22, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
    *my first plugin on mctrades , tell me if i do something wrong in here! (Copy from LeeGod xd)
    *my english is shit so please dont talk about my english

    Hello guys, today I am going to release my Sumo event I worked about 3 months, GoodestSumoEvent, it is a pretty good plugin for practice server.
    No longer working on it since fatbear is closed if fatbear re-open i will continue to work on it.

    Plugin version: 2.0 (since 1.0 is a shit coded plugin, this time I made a lot of changes and make the code better.)
    Price: 10USD
    Src without update: 30USD
    Src with update: 50USD

    Here is the video I advertise in my youtube channel(if you guys know chinese)

    Some gameplay: (gameplay from is using 1.0 version, and it cause lag, so some feature in 1.0 is disabled in 2.0)

    Proof of ownership:
    View attachment 158930
    I hope it is enough for proof...

    Server using this plugin: (Owner: HappyAreaBean) (Owner: MinoTW) (They shut down the server because of some reason, but they will open it soon) (Owner: L_BingYa)

    - BungeeCord support (one server per game)
    - Bungee Announce winner to all server
    - Bungee back to lobby
    - 1.7 and 1.8 support (havent tested any version since I don't think there will have a server using this plugin in 1.9 pvp)
    - customize config
    - customize messages
    - Cps and ping shows in scoreboard!
    - 4 scoreboard fully configable(lobby waiting, countdown, in game, finish) (support max 32 character)
    - flat-file save (data.yml)
    - view stats in gui (wins, kills, deaths)
    - anti weather change, always day time
    - zonix style!
    - spectate system! (showcase will be in my advertise video)
    - motd change (lobby waiting, countdown, in game, finish)
    - whitelist (so player cannot join when you don't use /wl to toggle it)
    - block hunger lose, block break and place (except build mode), damage
    - chat format build-in (only for PermissionsEx, if you have another chat plugin you can ignore it)
    - /ping command build-in

    Tested with paperspigot - min TPS: 19.98 - max TPS: 20 (with 30 player)
    (tested with 1GB, yes, 1GB! Thats why the tps is 19.99)
    countdown: 300
    max-players: 30
    event-world-name: "world"
    restart-second: 30
    ##kick-player-second is depends on restart-second, so if kick-player-second is 5 then system will kick all player when restart-second count to 5
    kick-player-second: 5
    kick-player-reason: "&4&lZonix: &cThanks for joining this sumoevent!"
    check-player-cps: true
    create-and-save-players-data: true
    inventory-size: 27
    inventory-name: "&7&lYour &c&lstats"
    name: "&c&lYour wins"
    - "&7- &9<wins>"
    position: 10
    name: "&c&lYour kills"
    - "&7- &9<kills>"
    position: 13
    name: "&c&lYour deaths"
    - "&7- &9<deaths>"
    position: 14
    ##If you enable bungeecord mode, player will receive an item on-join to leave the sumoevent(item will be removed when game start) and when the game end and kick player they will back to the assign lobby
    ##Suggest to make it be true if you are using bungeecord
    enable: true
    name: "&cBack to lobby &7(Right click)"
    position: 8
    lobby-server: "lobby"
    ##bungee-win-broadcast is when the game finished, it will broadcast to whole bungee server or not, although enable is false, this settings will be used.
    bungee-win-broadcast: true
    ##whitelist settings will be get when server started
    whitelist: false
    ##Spectate mode (in maintainance)
    enable: true
    teleport-success: "&aTeleported to <player>."
    join-spectate-enderpearl-name: "&cSpectate &7(Right click)"
    leave-spectate-ender-eye-name: "&cLeave spectate &7(Right click)"
    teleport-player-smileball-name: "&cTeleport to player who is fighting &7(Right click)"
    teleport-spawn-painting-name: "&cTeleport to spawn &7(Right click)"
    join-spectate-mode-message: "&aSuccessfully joined spectate mode!"
    leave-spectate-mode-message: "&aSuccessfully left spectate mode!"
    teleport-back-to-spawn-message: "&aSuccessfully teleported back to spawn!"
    cooldown-message: "&cYou are still in cooldown, please wait..."
    inventory-name: "&cFighting players:"
    ##player1-item and player2-item placeholder: <player>
    name: "&cPlayer 1 &7(<player>)"
    - "&7Click to teleport to <player>"
    position: 11
    name: "&cPlayer 2 &7(<player>)"
    - "&7Click to teleport to <player>"
    position: 15
    ##Chat system
    ##Note: chat system ONLY support PermissionsEx.
    enable: true
    enable: true
    cooldown-message: "&cYou are still in cooldown, please wait..."
    ##cooldown-ticks: 20 = 1 seconds, 100 = 5 seconds
    cooldown-ticks: 20
    ##chat-format placeholder: <prefix>, <suffix>, <player_name>, <message>.
    chat-format: "<prefix><player_name><suffix>: <message>"
    ##MOTD changing system
    enable: true
    waiting-for-players: "&e(Event) &aWaiting for players..."
    counting-down: "&e(Event) &aCounting down..."
    in-game: "&e(Event) &cGame is running..."
    game-finished: "&e(Event) &aGame Finished"
    title: "&4&lZonix &7&l[&c&lUS&7&l]"
    ##PlaceHolders for waiting scoreboard: <player_left>, <max_player>
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&cEvent &7(Sumo)"
    - "&4* &fPlayers&7: <player_left>/<max_player>"
    - "&4* &fState&7: Waiting"
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&cWaiting for players..."
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    ##PlaceHolders for countdown scoreboard: <player_left>, <max_player>, <countdown_int>, <countdown_format>
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&cEvent &7(Sumo)"
    - "&4* &fPlayers&7: <player_left>/<max_player>"
    - "&4* &fState&7: Counting down"
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&cStarting in: <countdown_format>"
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    ##PlaceHolders for ingame scoreboard: <player_left>, <max_player>, <player1>, <player2>, <round>, <player1_cps>, <player2_cps>
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&cEvent &7(Sumo)"
    - "&4* &fPlayers&7: <player_left>/<max_player>"
    - "&4* &fState&7: InGame"
    - "&4* &fRound&7: <round>"
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&4<player1>"
    - " &cvs "
    - "&4<player2>"
    - "&7(&c<player1_ping>ms&7) &7| (&c<player2_ping>ms&7)"
    - "&7(&c<player1_cps>CPS&7) &7| (&c<player2_cps>CPS&7)"
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    ##PlaceHolders for finish scoreboard: <player_left>, <max_player>, <winner>
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    - "&cEvent &7(Sumo)"
    - "&4* &fWinner&7: "
    - " &c<winner>"
    - " "
    - "&4Rebooting in <restart>"
    - "&7&m-------------------"
    no-permission: "&cYou don't have permissions to use this command!"
    join-buildmode: "&aYou successfully joined buildmode!"
    exit-buildmode: "&aYou successfully exited buildmode!"
    set-hub: "&aYou successfully set sumo hub! Now players will spawn in there when they joined this server and died, &cREMEMBER! After set all spawn coordinates, restart the server."
    set-spawn: "&aYou successfully set sumo spawn! &cREMEMBER! After set all spawn coordinates, restart the server."
    ##PlaceHolders for start-count: <time>
    start-count: "&eThe match starts in &a<time>&e..."
    match-start: "&aThe match has started, good luck!"
    ##PlaceHolders for start-count: <loser>, <winner>
    eliminated-message: "&e(Event) &c<loser> &7has been eliminated by &a<winner>"
    starting-event-match-againest: "&eStarting event match &a(<player1> vs <player2>)"
    - "&7&m------------------------------------"
    - "&e(Event) &aWinner: <winner>"
    - "&7&m------------------------------------"
    ##PlaceHolders for join-message and leave-message: <player>, <max_player>
    - "&e<name> &cjoined sumoevent &7(<player>/<max_player>)"
    - "&e<name> &cleft sumoevent &7(<player>/<max_player>)"
    - "&e<name> &cleft sumoevent while fighting &7(<player>/<max_player>)"
    countdown: "&cSumo Event will start in <countdown> seconds"
    restart-message: "&cServer will restart in <restart> seconds"
    round: "&e(Event) &cRound <round> is starting..."
    ##PlaceHolders for ping: <ping>
    ping: "&cYour ping&7: <ping>ms"
    ##PlaceHolders for other-player-ping: <player>, <ping>
    other-player-ping: "&c<player>'s ping&7: <ping>ms"
    ##PlaceHolders for reserve-broadcast: <reserve>
    reserve-broadcast: "&e(Event) &cBecase of player amount is a even, so &7<reserve> &cdoesn't need to fight in round <round>."
    ##Message for disallow players to join:
    game-full: "&e(Event) &cThe game has reached the max amount of players."
    no-permissions-to-spectate: "&e(Event) &cYou don't have permissions to spectate this event."
    whitelist-is-on: "&e(Event) &cThe event whitelist is opening."
    whitelist-off: "&aSuccessfully toggled off whitelist! Now player can join the event!"
    whitelist-on: "&aSuccessfully toggled on whitelist! Now player cannot join the event!"

    sumo.admin -- use admin command
    sumo.color --
    sumo.stats -- check stats
    sumo.fullbypass -- join when event has reached the max amount of player
    sumo.spectate -- spectate match

    Buy Rules
    #1 You are NOT allowed to LEAK or SHARE the plugin (it will only be used for you).
    #2 You are NOT allowed to decompile the plugin without permission.
    #3 You cannot chargeback after payment is success

    if you break a rule above, I will remove your plugin access and say rip.

    ==========Update log==========
    - fixed some error about scoreboard
    - added /announce command, easy to accounce game in server though bungeecord
    - added developer api, very simple to get data from player and server!
    - preparing placeholderapi...

    - added placeholder in placehoderapi!
    All placeholder: