Offering [LegacyShop] Discord Server Setup - 3 Packages - Cheap

Discussion in 'Other Services' started by Dzoni49, Jun 18, 2019.

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  1. Dzoni49

    Dzoni49 Active Trader
    Thread Starter

    ~ LegacyShop ~

    Hello, my name is Nikola and my job is to make a Discord Server for you. I have 1+ year of experience in making Discord Server and already i have few happy customers. There are 3 type of packages. Donut, the weakest and the cheapest package with basic functions. Cookie, a little bit stronger and more expensive with more and better functions and all stuff from 'Donut' package. IceCream, the strongest and the most expensive package with all functions from 'Donut' and 'Cookie' packages and few new stuff.

    Doing 1 Vouch Setups! (Left 0/1)


    Donut ( - $3 - )

    Unlimited Text Channels

    Unlimited Voice Channels
    Welcome/Goodbye System
    Moderatorion Bot
    Music Bot
    Customer Role on Support Discord
    5 Staff Roles - 5 User Roles

    Cookie ( - $5 - )

    Everything from package 'Donut'

    Applications Bot
    Invite Manager (I'll add prize roles for it)
    Economy Bot
    Meme's channel with Meme's Bot
    Channels with emojis in name ( ex. ' | general-chat )
    Add emojis by your choice to server
    Games Bot
    3 Information channels on the top ( )
    Unlimited Staff and User Roles
    Customer Support on Official Discord (Answer as fast i can)

    IceCream ( - $7 - )

    Everything from package 'Cookie' & 'Donut'

    Custom Invite Link ( )
    Unlimited Roles Spacer ( Design by your choice - )
    Custom Embed Code for Announcements ( )
    Setup of YAGPDB (Reaction Roles, AutoModeration)
    GiveAwaye Bot
    Logging channel
    Games Reddit Channel with random Reddits
    Partner Role on Support Discord
    Any bot that you want
  2. TeamAlert

    TeamAlert Dedicated Trader

    lmao do you joke with me? 7$ for a thing that I make in 30m and I swear I make a discord server much more clean than you.