Offering MFA Accounts ⭐ $8.99 Non-Rank ⭐ $21.99 MVP+ rank on Hypixel ⭐ +100 vouches ⭐ PayPal/Crypto

Discussion in 'Semi-OG Accounts' started by roku10, Dec 10, 2023.

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  1. roku10

    roku10 Active Trader
    Thread Starter

    #1 roku10, Dec 10, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
    Hello everyone,

    Minecraft Full Access (MFA) accounts I'm selling are unbanned on Hypixel and are totally mine (they aren't a Gamepass either). These are MFA accounts, so I will provide email, password and security answers so that the accounts are completely owned by the buyer. You can change everything, so the accounts won't be mine anymore.
    [​IMG]NON-RANK -> $8.99/each
    VIP -> $11.99/each
    VIP+ -> $14.99/each
    MVP -> $18.99/each
    MVP+ -> $21.99/each
    MVP++ -> +$21.99/each (depending on the account)

    If you buy more than one account, I will give you a special discount depending on the number of accounts you buy! This is a discount that I decide and that the buyer cannot demand.

    IMPORTANT note: some of the accounts may have stats in some Hypixel modalities or may have cosmetics in Lunar Client or Badlion Client. When you purchase the account, you must tell me if you want an account without stats or if you don't care if they have them.

    ❗ I have
    +100 vouches in my Minecraft shop. Add me on Discord (rokuu0645) so I can show them to you.
    ❗ I can accept doing the deal with a trustful middleman, but the buyer will have to pay all the middleman's taxes if he wants to use it.

    ➡️ To buy any account, contact me on Discord: rokuu0645
  2. roku10

    roku10 Active Trader
    Thread Starter
