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❗ [50% OFF] SKYBLOCK 2.0 ✪ Automatic Configurator | Custom Plugins | Feature Packed ✪ [Must See] MAIN-1.13

Skyblock. Redesigned. Feature packed with everything you need. Configure it in a matter of minutes.

  1. Update

    Fixed an issue with "/convertshards" not working.

    Fixed an issue with the spawn Portal teleporting you to the Nether.

    Fixed an issue with Envoy prefixes and "/linkhopper" not working.

    In this update, FusedSpawners was removed as an advertised dependency, as it was very buggy. No gameplay affect except removal of spawner stacking. An issue with Spawner Upgrades and Guardian Spawners was fixed as well. The Legendary Crate "OP Bow" giving a pickaxe was resolved. Lastly, a custom drawn server icon is now included, free of charge.

    In this update, I removed the Spigot.jar in the download, to reduce file-size. It can be downloaded at https://landon.pw/cdn/TacoSpigot.jar. I added a READ.txt file for instructions on how to set it up, after repeated questions on the replacer tool. NoRain was added to stop rain from spawn, NoFlyZone was added to stop flying in WarZone, and Envoy cooldown was disabled.

    In this update, Join Messages were removed.

    In this update, Sell Chests and Sell Wands were fixed. The prices now match the sell prices of all mob drops, all ingots, and some farming items such as cactus and sugar cane.

    In this update, "/vote" now shows the book, rather than a message, "/rewards" is better formatted, enderpearls in spawn were blocked, and an error with ShopGUI+ Lapis Block was fixed. Condense Wands was also updated, to support double chests.

    If you have a previous version of this resource;
    1. Replace /plugins/Skript/scripts/Shards.sk with the newest Shards.sk from this version.

    2. Replace the "world" folder with the "world" folder from this version.

    3. Replace /plugins/CrazyEnvoys/config.yml with the config.yml provided in this version.

    4. Execute "/pex group Member add mfh.linkhopper"

    5. Remove "FusedSpawners.jar"

    6. Create a line between 540 and 541 in /plugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus/upgrades.yml, and add
    "- '[console] pex user %player_name% add silkspawners.place.guardian'"

    7. Set line 605 of /plugins/CrazyCrates/Crates/LegendaryCrate.yml to
    "- 'give %Player% bow 1 power:8 unbreaking:10 flame:2 infinity:1'"

    8. Add the provided "server-icon.png" to your server's root directory.

    9. Add "NoRain.jar" to your plugins directory.

    10. Add "NoFlyZone.jar" and the "NoFlyZone" folder to your plugins directory.

    11. Set line 22 of /plugins/CrazyEnvoys/Config.yml to
    " Toggle: false #Toggle this option on and off."

    12. Add "NoJoinMessage.jar" to your plugins directory.

    13. Replace your /plugins/Essentials/worth.yml with the worth.yml in this update.

    14. Set line 2 of /plugins/AutoSell/config.yml to
    "use-essentials-worth-yml: true"

    15. Set line 114 of /plugins/SellStick/config.yml to
    "UseEssentialsWorth: true"

    16. /pex group Member add interactivebooks.open.vote

    17. Replace /plugins/Skript/scripts/Rewards.sk with the Rewards.sk provided in this download.

    18. /rg f __global__ enderpearl deny
    /rg f warzone enderpearl allow
    /rg priority warzone 100

    19. Set line 466 of /plugins/ShopGUIPlus/shops.yml to
    damage: 0

    20. Replace /plugins/CondenseWand.jar with the CondenseWand.jar provided in this update.

    21. /plugins/CrazyEnvoys/Tiers/Common.yml
    Line 55: "Chance: 20 #The chance that it will be won."

    22. /plugins/ASkyBlock/config.yml
    Line 457: "resetinventory: false"

    23. /plugins/GAListener/config.yml
    Line 61: "- '/cc give v VoteCrate 1 {username}'"

    24. Add the new /plugins/BountyHunters.jar to your /plugins folder, replacing the old one.

    25. Add the new /plugins/MythicMobs.jar and /plugins/MythicMobs folder to your /plugins folder.

    26. Add the new /plugins/Skript/scripts/Bosses.sk to your /plugins/Skript/scripts folder.

    27. /plugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus/specialKits.yml
    Line 143: "- '[player] kit OpTools'"
    Line 150: "- '[player] previewkit OpArmor'"

    28. Add the new world folder to the main directory, replacing the old one. (Be cautious with this, do not change the world if you are using a different spawn. You will have to manually integrate bosses)
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