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Beta -* VENOMITY SKYBLOCK SETUP *- 2019-11-16

skyblock setup

  1. HussienX
    Minecraft Versions Supported:
    1.8 - 1.9
    HussienX KawaiX

    Skyblock setup | Contains a lot of custom features never seen in other setups

    created By HussienX , we made our best to collect all Best Features in all Best Skyblock

    setups to Make this Server , We Wish you Help Us by Buying it <3

    Features "list of some things that it contains, not all of them"

    ▪ Spawn | The main spawn consists of islands, each got NPC for everything in server

    ▪ Island Upgrades | 4 island Upgrades "Size" /"Generator"/ "Homes"/ "Team Member Size"

    ▪ Skyblock islands | All our islands are custom built, players can choose up to 8 ISLANDS some are small

    and some are big and with Cost.

    ▪ FLY Shop | give access to Members to Buy Fly for Money for Some Time

    ▪ Island Top | "Hologram Top 10" - "Top 1 ,2 ,3 Npcs" - "Top 10,16 GUI That Show info about island"

    ▪ Daily Rewards | daily reward for Players to Help Them

    ▪ islands border | To prevent Island Range Abuse

    ▪ Shop | Shop with shopgui+

    ▪ 3x | Crates with alot og awsome prizes. "Common" /"Rare" /"Legend"

    ▪ 3x | Donator ranks and 7x | Staff ranks
    ▪ 5x | Total kits " donor kits, member kits, etc"
    ▪ Armorstands | The entire spawn it's decorated with armor stands, like the bar, npc decorations, auction, etc...
    ▪ MobCoin | Custom MobCoin System for free made by HussienX , you can buy alot of stuff - "Crates"/"Kits"/"Money pouch"/" Money Printers" .
    ▪ Money Printers | For First Time No one added before , Money Printers So you can make money much easer
    ▪ Silkspawner | W/Custom messages

    ▪ Custom Hoppers | New Hoppers will help you in grinding and Much More
    ▪ Custom Encahnts | 3 Diffrent Types of CE
    ▪ Spawner upgrades | When you right click a spawner, you will be able to upgrade it w/level or w/money, it also shows some stats.

    ▪ /donar | Give Donators easy way to control there features

    ▪ HotBar pets | Hot Bar Pets 12+ pets with diffrent Custom Abilitys
    ▪ Auction | Auction with custom messages
    ▪ Generators | You will be able to open a custom menu to upgrade your island generator, there are five upgrades available.
    ▪ Bartender | You will be able to try luck with the drinks, each drink have different chances
    ▪ Custom menus| More than +8 Custom menus
    ▪ Kit preview | Kit preview zone in the spawn, where players will be able to see all contents of each donator kit.
    ▪ Featherboard | Custom made configuration for the featherboard, also, when you join it shows a welcome scoreboard showing you the time you had played, your last join, etc.
    ▪ PvPMine | Public mine with alot of ores , pvp is allowed in this zone.
    ▪ Teleport system | When teleport it show Particals and Titles

    ▪ Version Support | Server Support from 1.8 - 1.13 (NOTE : Server is 1.12)
    ▪ Trading system | Trade system for all players, using /trade <player> will let you trade with the other player.

    ▪ Envoy | 2 Tiers Envoy BOXs

    ▪ Stacking system | Stacking - Mobs / items / Spawners

    ▪ PvP System | 1.8 Combant
    ▪ More features..






















    Check This Post its Same Crates in the Server With some Changes :





    Custom Enchants :





    Premium plugins used [included, and the configuration folder will be given] (Its Gift from Our Store)
    ▪ Featherboard
    ▪ ShopGui+
    ▪ Voteparty

    ▪ MiniPets

    ▪ Tpets

    ▪ GUIplus

    ▪ IslandTop

    ▪ LiteBans

    ▪ MobLoot

    ▪ Prison Mines

    ▪ Vouchers

    To-do list | [✈] - Soon [✔] - Done [✘] - Not started yet
    ▪ [✔] Vote
    ▪ [?] Your suggestions

    ▪ You can not dispute/chargeback
    ▪ You can not share this setup to anyone
    ▪ You can not can not claim it as your own
    ▪ You can not resell this piece of work or configurations inside it.

    If you need any help, contact me through Discord.

    Don't review the resource for BUGS/ERRORS, PM me instead. Remember, if you find a bug tell me via PM and I will fix it as soon as possible.

    Join Our DISCORD for 24/7 Support

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