Complete AltProvider | Come Join us!

Discussion in 'Other' started by Rat, May 30, 2017.

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Welcome to MCTrades, the modern Minecraft marketplace. Why not stay a while to chat, trade, and earn by registering?
  1. Rat

    Rat Obsidian
    OBSIDIAN Thread Starter

    So is selling spots in the business, you are welcome to pay in at only $5 per entry. You may sell basically anything you want under the reputable name of AltProvider.

    As the I recently said
    "instead of naming yourself like 'spfk0skfAlts"
    no one is gonna buy from that
    AltProvider has rep
    and people trust us,
    People are gonna buy from us"

    We welcome you to join our team!

    We currently have the positions of Semi, SFA, NFA, FA, and MC GC filled, you may request a new position as we are always looking for more areas to expand.

    Contact me | Skype: zEponymous | Or PM ME​