Offering Discords configurated

Discussion in 'Other Services' started by Istillhavehopes, Jan 18, 2020.

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  1. Istillhavehopes

    Istillhavehopes Obsidian
    OBSIDIAN Thread Starter

    Minecraft Accounts: Criminalistica Envejecimiento
    Excurze’s Discords Buy

    : Vendo discords configurados, todo se negocia por edwi#1440 en discord.

    (+) primero se negocia el premio y después se configura el discord y por último se entrega el premio o el dinero.

    : I sell set discords, everything is negotiated by edwi#1440 in discord.

    (+) first the prize is negotiated and then the discord is configured and finally the prize or money is delivered.

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