Offering ✨ Exclusive ✨ Custom Coded PotSG Core [5 Copies Left]

Discussion in 'Plugins' started by kriku, Jul 4, 2020.

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  1. kriku

    kriku Trader
    Thread Starter

    Hello everyone on MC-Market today I am selling my PotSG Core that is custom coded and this was used on 2 networks and was built to host PotSG games constantly after a game

    * Features:
    Lobby Items (Host a Game, Join the Game, Spectate the Game, Leaderboards, Preferences)
    Cooldowns (Enderpearl, Hosting)
    Special Events (Soup, PreEnchants, NoFire, Enchanter) [This is also known as scenarios by UHC players]
    LeaderBoards (Kills, Wins)
    Multi-Arena (Randomly switches maps after a game)
    Spectator Mode (Inspect, Teleport)
    GUIs (Host a Game, Spectator Teleport/Inspect Item, Leaderboards)
    Countdowns (PvP Timer, Feast, Border, Starting, Hosting)
    Feast (The Feast timer starts after the PvP Timer is finished, and a Feast gives player's stuff that's not achievable or hard to get via enchant table)
    Flat-File Saving
    Automatic Hosting (The console will automaticly host another game of the host cooldown)
    Good performance (20TPS with 20 players on and doesn't use much memory) [So far tested]
    [​IMG] (this is the only screenshot I have sorry)

    - Commands:
    Cancel Command (To cancel the game) [Only in the waiting state]
    SetSlots Command (To set the player slots on the server)
    Build Command (For Builders)
    SetLobby Command (For admins to set the lobby for everytime a player joins)
    Arena Command (Just so you can create or delete an arena and list out the arenas)

    * Ingame Pictures: (If it's not loading please contact me or you can look on my MC-Market thread

    - GUIs:
    Hosting GUI and Lobby Items:

    - ScoreBoard:
    + Lobby:

    + Waiting:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    + Playing:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    - Messages:
    * Proof of Ownership:


    I am selling 5 copies of this, each for 45$ this only includes SourceCode no re-sell rights. If there's any question about the plugin or more proof of ownership please let me know. If you are interested in buying the plugin please DM me on Discord (m69#1567) My DMs are open at all times and I will reply as soon as possible, I will not be able to accept friend requests due to too much

    Terms of Service (TOS)
    When buying you agree to these conditions
    • No refunds or chargebacks
    • No leaking the plugin