Complete ♕ Messages ♕ (Litebans) [5 THEMES] (HQ)

Discussion in 'Configurations' started by SeaPvP, Dec 20, 2017.

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  1. SeaPvP

    SeaPvP SeaPvP#2943 - free Instagram likes
    DIAMOND Thread Starter

    Minecraft Accounts: Longness

    I will sell my custom litebans messages!

    Since I don't have any rep at all, I will be giving away 3 Vouch copies!
    Requirements for vouch copies:
    - 10+ rep (Some exceptions may be made)
    - Need to have at least a 1 month old account
    (PM ME)

    After hours of work, I've finished my first custom litebans messages!
    Due to being my first one, I used hours.

    The current colors are: Red, Blue, Green, Gold and Aqua. I may add more colors later.
    (If you wish to get a custom colored, PM me on mc-market or @SeaPvP on twitter)

    (I'll only show the red colors, but if you want to look at the other colors, feel free to PM me. They are only in a different color!
    Ban broadcast >

    Ban screen >

    Mute broadcast >

    Mute screen >

    Everything is changed, /Alts /hist everything is colored and remade!

    (Please know that this is beta, so there may be some messages issues, but I think I've fixed all of them now)

    Any suggestions are highly appreciated since I'm new to selling!

    Price: 1$ for all 5 of them

    Terms of Service:
    - By purchasing this you agree not to redistribute this plugin.
    - I can change the TOS at any time and you will still need to follow it!
    - If you chargeback, a scam report will be made! You are not allowed to chargeback!
    - You're not allowed to share this with anyone!
    - You're not allowed to sell this to anyone!
    - You may only use this for 1 server! If you own multiple servers contact me for permission!
    - You are allowed to sell this if you have permission from me!
    - Chargebacks are not permitted.
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